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Course Description
Probably you saw many infographics on the web and thought how great they look. And they also seem so sofisticated. If you are like most people you said yourself "They look awesome, but it is too difficult for me and paying a graphic designer would cost a fortune..."
This is true... and not. It is true that paying a designer to create your infographic would cost you a lot of money. But it is not true you cannot do it by yourself.
What are the requirements?
An internet connection
What am I going to get from this course?
Over 29 lectures and 1.5 hours of content!
Create professional looking infographics that helps them position as an authority in their niches
Work with Canva design tools and create infographics just like a pro
What is the target audience?
People who want to create an online image, who want to build an audience and get more exposure for them their products and services
Business owners, bloggers and authors that want to position themselfes as an authority in their niche
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